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Red-headed Woodpeckers and 5 Years with 9 Nest Cameras, with Speaker Siah St. Clair

  • GFWC Historic Brooksville Woman’s Club 131 South Main Street Brooksville, FL, 34601 United States (map)

Red-headed Woodpeckers and 5 Years with 9 Nest Cameras, with Speaker Siah St. Clair 

Socializing: 6:45 p.m.

Meeting starts: 7 p.m.

Program starts: 7:15 p.m.

Make reservation here

Nest Camera

About the presentation: Over the past five years, nine nest cameras were installed on more than 25 Red-headed Woodpecker nest and roost cavities at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve near Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cameras record 24 hours a day all year. The result is half a million amazing videos and pictures of behaviors, many never before documented. These images show intimate nesting behavior and night life, nestlings, fledglings, predators, usurpers, competition for cavities, and dozens of other vertebrates that interact with these cavities. This program will show pictures and videos and discuss observations about these images. 

Siah holding Red-headed Woodpecker while it was being banded

About the speaker: Siah St. Clair has a Master's degree in Environmental Interpretation from Michigan State University and was a nature center director for 42 years. He served on the board of directors of the Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis for nine years as the field trip chair and secretary. He also has been the compiler and coordinator for the North Minneapolis Christmas Bird Count for over 25 years. He is the Chair of the Red-headed Woodpecker Recovery Project, a private non-profit organization, and is a member of a University of Minnesota research team that is conducting research on Red-headed Woodpeckers. He is a nature photographer and did the photography for A Field Guide to the Natural World of the Twin Cities, a popular book in Minneapolis, published in 2018 by the University of Minnesota Press.  

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