Become a Member of the Hernando Audubon Society
We’re a fun-loving group, passionate about conservation and birds.
Hernando Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society. When you join the National Audubon Society, you simultaneously join our local Audubon chapter. The annual cost is a $20 minimum donation, which is for a family or an individual. Please note that Hernando Audubon Society is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with its own budget and programs. Although we are a chapter of the National Audubon Society, we rely on support from our local members to carry out our wide array of programs.
If you are not already an Audubon member,
there are two ways to join:
To join online, click HERE
To pay by check, click HERE, complete
and mail to
Hernando Audubon Society,
P.O. Box 1678, Brooksville, FL 34605.
Photo by Michelle LaVigne