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End-of-Season Picnic

  • Lake Townsen Regional Park 28011 Lake Lindsey Road Brooksville, FL, 34601 United States (map)

Black-bellied-Whistling-Ducks. Photo by Wally Handeland

End-of-Season Picnic: Lake Townsen Regional Park

5:00PM – 8:00PM

Lake Townsen Regional Park is at 28011 Lake Lindsey Road (County Road 476), east of U.S. 41.

Pileated Woodpeckers. Photo by Wally Handeland

A bird walk is at 5 p.m., and dinner at 6 p.m. Participants are asked to bring their own place settings and a side dish to share. 

Make reservations here:

For more information, contact Vera: or 352-848-5776.

April 24

Managing Florida’s Wild Places: Creating Habitat for Northern Bobwhite (Quail), with Speaker Steve Brinkley