Welcome to the
Hernando Audubon Society
Established 1959
Serving members in Hernando and south Sumter counties, Florida
“One reason that birds matter - ought to matter - is that they are our last, best connection to a natural world that is otherwise receding. They’re the most vivid and widespread representatives of the Earth as it was before people arrived on it.”
Photo by Myrna Erler-Bradshaw
Our Mission Statement:
The Hernando Audubon Society works to promote an awareness and appreciation of nature, to preserve and protect natural ecosystems, and to encourage responsible environmental stewardship.
Come birding with us
Find out about our upcoming field trips
Photo by Wallace Handeland
Join Us
Becoming a member is easy! And membership in the Hernando Audubon Society includes membership in the National Audubon Society.
Photo by Kathie Rosse