Field Trip Guidelines: Field trips are open to anyone interested in birding. Non-members are welcome. We recommend comfortable clothing, insect repellent, sunscreen and water or other suitable beverages. Please contact the trip leader to indicate that you plan to attend and to get any information about changes in plan.
Aripeka Sandhills Preserve
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Contact: Bev or 352-686-0460
(Cell phone on the day of the trip: 352-442-5598)
April is a prime time to view butterflies. Join Don Fraser as he helps us identify butterflies during the two-mile walk. We may see as many as eight species of hairstreak butterflies nectaring on sparkleberry as well as many other butterflies. Bring binoculars (close focusing, if you have them—or your regular binoculars will do). There will be good opportunities for close-up photography of butterflies.
The parking lot is a half mile west of US-19 on Aripeka Road. There is no drinking water or bathroom there.
[Note the 9 A.M. start time, which is later than our birding trips, because butterflies are more active when it is warmer.]